How to get to Petrovac
How to get to Petrovac
Petrovac can be reached from several directions
Distance from Belgrade is 114 km.
From the highway you can get through the exit for Pozarevac (15 km),
from Pozarevac to Petrovac there is 37 km. Which is a total of 52 km
It can be reached via the exit from the highway in Velika Plana and
from there is 33 km
Through the Markovac exclusion, you can go further over Svilajnac and
there are 36 km further to Petrovac.
The bus station is located 200 m from the city center
+381 12 331 158
Bus lines
Petrovac na Mlavi - Požarevac - Beograd
Polazak: 08:00
Dolazak: 10:00
Prevoznik: Darkom
Polazak: 10:15
Dolazak: 12:15
Prevoznik: Auto Kodeks Plus
Polazak: 11:00
Dolazak: 13:00
Prevoznik: ??
Polazak: 13:45
Dolazak: 15:45
Prevoznik: ?
Polazak: 17:30
Dolazak: 19:30
Prevoznik: ?
Polazak: 19:00
Dolazak: 21:00
Prevoznik: ?
Beograd - Požarevac - Petrovac na Mlavi
Polazak: 04:55
Dolazak: 06:55
Prevoznik: Darkom
Polazak: 06:15
Dolazak: 08:15
Prevoznik: Arriva Litas
Polazak: 08:00
Dolazak: 10:00
Prevoznik: Arriva Litas
Polazak: 10:05
Dolazak: 12:05
Prevoznik: Auto Kodeks Plus
Polazak: 11:00
Dolazak: 13:00
Prevoznik: Arriva Litas
Polazak: 16:00
Dolazak: 18:00
Prevoznik: Arriva Litas
Petrovac - Svijalnac
Polazak: 05:50
Dolazak: ?
Prevoznik: ?
Polazak: 14:10h
Dolazak: ?
Prevoznik: ?
Svilajnac - Petrovac
Polazak: 15:15
Dolazak: ?
Prevoznik: ?
Petrovac - Kragujevac
Polazak: 16:30
Dolazak: ?
Prevoznik: ?
Samo petkom i nedeljoim
Kragujevac - Petrovac
Polazak: 19:30
Dolazak: ?
Prevoznik: ?
Samo petkom i nedeljoim
Polazak: 16:30
Dolazak: ?
Prevoznik: ?
Samo petkom i nedeljoim