Our municipality is extremely rich in watercourses, springs, rivers and lakes.
The Mlava river is the largest and the longest river in eastern Serbia and Braničevo district. Along with it there are smaller rivers: Busur, Vitovnica.
The rivers are extremely clean and fairly protected from industrial pollution.
The purity of the river Mlava is especially reflected in the fact that you can fish for brook trout in it and find crayfish, which live only in clean waters. In addition to brown trout, the following can also be caught:California trout, chub, perch, barbel…
Trout fishing with a special fly-fishing technique is very popular. Brown trout can be caught in the Gornjak gorge because there are fewer and fewer of them in the lower course. In the lower course of the river Mlava and in the town itself, you can fish for chub and nase, which can reach record sizes.
In addition to the rivers in our municipality, there are numerous lakes and artificial reservoirs, such as: Korenica, Busur lake and the lake in Ždrelo..
Carp and babushka can be caught in the lakes. There have been records of particularly large pieces of carp caught in lakes Korenica and Busur.
The shores of these lakes are adorned with an extremely beautiful natural environment and there are not many cottages nearby, so you can feel like you are fishing in the real wilderness. There are no organized beaches here, hence there are no swimmers and campers.
This guarantees peace and enjoying nature with clean air and pleasant climate.
Annual fishing permits, weekly and daily, are valid for fishing. Daily and weekly permits can be purchased at Grof MBM, Srpskih Vladara 153. For more information: 012 332 067
- Daily 1000 RSD
- Weekly 2000 RSD