Organized by the Local Community "Bistrica", the Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Petrovac na Mlavi and under the patronage of the Petrovac na Mlavi Municipality of, the traditional ethno-tourist event "Sabor vodeničara i pomeljara" (Assembly of millers and rolling millers) is held in the village of Bistrica, near PetrovacnaMlavi. . The event is visited by a large number of people, and it begins with a liturgy in the church of the Holy Emperor Constantine and Empress Helen in Bistrica, then the trumpeters visit the mills and rolling mills. Along with sightseeing, there is tasting of healthy food (porridge, cheese, proja,). In the courtyard of the church, a rich cultural and artistic program is being organized. There is a contest for the most beautiful miller and for the best miller, the most arranged mill, as well as a competition in manual corn crowning.